Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Ten True Joys of Girlhood.


  1. Anonymous4:53 PM

    which of these would you say led to the most uncomfortable of a moment for you as a child (or adult)? Some seem to have more potential than others.

  2. Good question, I didn't really post from the UncMo perspective. Hm. I would say none of them. I unabashedly loved these things as a grade schooler and endorse every girl's right to enjoy them today. I have not yet outgrown diaries or flavored lip gloss.

  3. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Braided barrettes were the absolute best with whale patterned shoelaces a close second. I felt like Olivia Newton-John in Xandu when I made my first pair of pink and white braided barrettes. And while my father got to wear pants with animals (whales, turkeys, you get the idea)on them, I at least enjoyed whale laces in my sneakers. Thanks for the best memories of the late 70s and early 80s.

  4. Anonymous10:13 PM

    does anyone know if little girls still play clapsies? I have a sneaking suspicion they don't (which is devastating). too busy with all the other distractions we've given them

  5. there's a photo on flickr of malia obama playing clapsies on election night


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